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Meditation for Beginners (8 Weeks To A New Life)
Introduction to Course
Meditation for Beginners, 8-Weeks to a New You
Week 1- Breathing Basics
Week 1- 3 Breaths audio (Basic awareness of your current breathing habits)
Week 2 - Breathing Techniques
Week 3- Mindfulness
Week 3- audio
Week 4- Sight & Scent Meditation
Week 4-audio
Week 5- Mantra Meditation
Week 5- audio
Week 6- Sound Meditation
Week 6- audio
Week 7- Walking Meditation
Week 8- Nature Meditation
Week 8- Nature Video
Bonus Audio- ( Mindfulness Mastermind Approved Audio)
Bonus Audio Meditations
2-Minutes of Mindful Breathing
One Complete Cycle of Breath
Three Mindful Breaths (Basic Breath Awareness Exercise)
Body Scan #1 (Bringing awareness to all parts of your body#1)
Body Scan #2 (Bringing awareness to all parts of your body #2)
Increase Focus Meditation #1 ( Increase your concentration #1)
Increase Focus Meditation #2 (Increase your concentration #2)
Compassion Meditation
Leading with Purpose
Positive Future Meditation
Meditation for Beginners (eJournal) & (eBook)
Meditation for Beginners (eBook)
Meditation for Beginners (eJournal)
Week 8- Nature Meditation
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